Wednesday, January 05, 2011

..the cold, hard-truth

January 06, 2011

It’s now three a.m.

I’m still fully awake. The massage was good but wasn’t good enough to lure me to sleep now. How come, I`m now reviving this old habit I tried to turn my back on after I lost you? Was it because I was inspired by Shielfa’s diaries? Im back on writing. Somehow, at one point I realized I must have move on from you. But it is not the case either. Only I found out more how lousy my writing and English had become. As if it was any better in the first place. *sulks*

Yes, I was inspired by her diaries. I want her writing so bad. So bad that I want her style; so damn bad, just to write and describe how I still keep you in that one special corner in me.

Oh, digging up to this old habit only brings me to the cold, hard-truth. The months had taken their turns. The year is new.

Still, it is all about you.